Our Church is Busy: Mark Your Calendars

St. James is a very active church, ministering to each other and to the surrounding community. There is almost always something happening, ways for newcomers to get involved and enjoy fellowship. For more information on any of these coming events, please check our calendar, sign up for our enewsletter, follow us on Facebook or Instagram, or call Cathy at the church office (979.968.3910). We look forward to welcoming you to our family!

Second Chance Emporium May 21-25: St. James’ volunteer week for Second Chance. Contact Lil Landry or Barbara Calliotte if interested in volunteering.

Tuesday, May 21 at 5pm: Vestry Meeting: Meetings are open to those interested in attending;

Saturday, May 25 from 4-8: Graduation Party for Cody Krupala at Holman Hall 4-8pm. Please RSVP to Laurie;

Saturday, May 25 from 3-4: McLean/Walker wedding at church;

Sunday, June 2: monthly (first Sunday) ingathering of nonperishable food items for AMEN food pantry.

Monday, June 3: First day of Summer church office hours. Closed Mondays, open 9-4:30 Tuesday-Friday

Saturday, June 8: Holy Smokers/ECW Monthly Smoked chicken/sausage and baked goods sale and fundraiser; Holy Smokers proceeds will benefit Bugle Boy; ECW's will benefit Presley's Power;

Sunday, June 9: Rev. Ken Kesselus will be Priest and Officiant;

Monday, June 10: Men's Club meeting at the Bailey home.

Friday, June 14 in the Parish Hall: Karaoke Supper Club hosted by the ECW and Men's Club

Monday, June 17, St. James work day at AMEN. Contact Sue Spaulding if interested.

Tuesday, June 18, at 5 pm: Vestry Meeting: attendance is open to anyone interested;

Sunday, June 30: Rev. Merrill Wade will be Priest and Officiant.I can't find them anywhere.