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The Liturgical Ministries

There are many ways to be involved…

Members of the St. James family play a vital role in our worship.

Altar Guild - A quiet and contemplative ministry where members prepare the altar and church for services, including weddings, funerals, and Holy Days. The Guild is comprised of 4 teams that rotate weekly throughout the Year. Children are welcome to participate in this activity.

Lay Eucharistic Ministry – Members of this ministry assist the priest behind the rail on Sundays and during special services in the celebration of Holy Communion.

Acolyte Ministry – This reverent youth ministry commissions children 9-17 to join the priest on Sundays to prepare and celebrate the Holy Eucharist.

Lay Readers – These people serve to read the lessons and special prayers during services. Scheduling is on a rotating basis and is planned well in advance.

Ushers & Greeters – Serve as the welcome team to greet congregants at each service and guide newcomers to church activities. Ushers also facilitate the collection of offerings from the congregation.

Interested in joining a Liturgical Guild?

Contact the Church office for more information.